Image: DLL

Transitioning to a Low Emission Fleet Can Impact TCO

May 8, 2024While the initial investment in EVs may require a more substantial financial commitment, the returns over time are substantial.


Image: U.S. Energy

Avoid the Hidden Costs of EV Adoption

May 6, 2024As more organizations work toward the finish line, they can quickly find hidden costs accumulating if their team doesn’t plan and communicate appropriately.

US Energy

EV Charging

Image: Adobe Stock

Power Input Flexibility is Critical to the Future of EV Charging

May 1, 2024Selecting the right EV charging infrastructure can directly impact the success of your EV transition, operational efficiency, and user satisfaction.

Power Innovations International

Climate Regulations

Image: Adobe Stock

Global Climate Regulations Indicate Complex Compliance Future for Fleets

May 8, 2024From California to the UK to Japan, increasingly stringent climate regulations elevate planning, reporting, and data collection requirements for their regulated entities.

TRC Companies

Image: RIZON Trucks

Championing the Crucial Dialogue to Advance Fleet Electrification

April 29, 2024Fleets and utilities must create a foundation for strategic planning, allowing utilities to gauge the scale of infrastructure needed to take proactive steps to meet the charging demand effectively for their fleet clients.

TRC Companies

ACT Expo

ACT Expo to Spotlight Industry’s Biggest Announcements

April 26, 2024Learn about game-changing new partnerships, exclusive product updates, new low- and zero-emission vehicles, and the latest advanced vehicle deployments.

ACT Expo

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